Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Family Enforces Media Embargo Against Australia Preventing Nazi Jokes

Think that the Royal Family Is only for show and has no real power, well think again, In order to prevent an Australian comedian from making jokes about Prince Phillip being a Nazi during the royal wedding, the Royals ordered broadcasters in Britain to cut live coverage to Australia's biggest broadcaster ABC if they refused to cancel the satirical commentary that was to be played along side the regular feed. So that's right the Royals still have enough power to enforce media embargoes between Britain and other major countries.


  1. Censorship is generally a bad thing. WE should all be free to express our opinions no matter who gets angry or upset. That is our choice!

  2. I agree with clint, we should have the right to freedom of speech

  3. I hate being in the USofA a lot, but when it comes to matters like this I become slightly happier that I am here.

  4. Its weird because it seems like people always talk about "british humor" and how funny they are. Guess not about the royals, huh.

    Really interesting blog, definitely following!

  5. guess they still have a lot of leverage... hey i know of i site you may like. it has some semi-underground news about human rights and such. it's pretty interesting, but a little extremist, so just look at things in perspective. it's called

  6. good for them. theyre more than just show i guess
