Saturday, May 7, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Lived Next Door To CIA, Loved Coke and Pepsi.

It was revealed this week that Osama Bin Laden had been practically neighbors with an undercover multi-million dollar CIA surveillance team that was set up in Abbottabad last summer and stayed until the Navy Seal team took Bin Laden out. Living amongst the locals unknown and unnoticed, the extensive covert team used telegraphic lens, listening equipment and infra-red technology to check possible escape routes. "The CIA's job was to find and fix," an unidentified US official told The Washington Post. "The intelligence work was as complete as it was going to be, and it was the military's turn to finish the target."

Apparently Bin Laden also had a sweet tooth for American soft drinks, two Pakistani aides of bin Laden, who called themselves Akbar and Rashid Khan and owned the compound where Bin Laden was killed, made regular runs to the store. They bought bulk food orders, and equally favored Pepsi and Coke, bying enough food for 10 people, neighbors and a local shopkeeper said.


  1. Why do I get the feeling theyre saying that he favored neither because it would finally settle the question of which was better.

  2. Hide and seek world champion..

  3. Haha, me too Solidacid! And that's a good point Dave! It's still funny a guy who hates America would buy their products.

  4. Hope he had a coke and a smile before we took care of him!

  5. Didn't Osama have kidney problems or something? Must be because of his American diet! We were killing him inadvertently.

  6. I still can't believe they got him.

  7. Osama and his sweets kim jung and his booze lol

  8. I wonder which he liked more.

  9. That's pretty interesting haha. Good to know that we had him tracked to his every move, even down to what he drinks.

  10. hahahah why do i find this funny??

  11. Thats what it'd call a guilty pleasure given the circumstances, lol..

  12. Good going, CIA...

  13. @Dave Benzene -- what you said, hahaha

  14. I've heard before people in Arabic countries hate America but LOVE coke

  15. The blood of the infidels will flow, and then we will have all the Coke and Pepsi products that Allah allows!

  16. lmao osama bin laden loved coca cola and pepsi...that makes him a little more american tan i expected

  17. osama bin ladin is a millionare, why does he need to live in a cave, why does he need to kick out Americans? they are the reason his business flourished. bush's family had great ties with osama bin ladin, he is a millionaire so why does he need to create such a war? unless he was ordered by the cia to create a distraction and a reason for america to go to war with the middle east for oil reserves. in exchange they would give him a new life, its not like they dont have the power to do so. how do we know if that man really was osama bin ladin? and he wasn't just some fake all these years... all he could have been doing was using his name.

  18. @hamguy, there's noway to know for sure what happened, especially without a body or any pictures or video, but even then could be faked. I do know that the CIA had supported him and the mujahadeen during the soviet invasion of afghanistan, but who knows if they continued to. I mean look at saddam hussien, we supported him during the 80s and the iran iraq war, then went against him. I for one do believe he is dead though I hate how there's little evidence to say he is other than word of mouth from the US and Al-Qaeda.

  19. Everyone is so proud we got him, but look how long it took, look at the cost...

  20. I agree with, Goat. It took so long, but I'm glad we got him.

  21. Osama loved COKE? I love COKE. Does that make me EVIL? :( Well, maybe under Fox News' standards.

  22. I really hope this isn't factual. I guess we can't blame Pakistan for being unaware he was there.

  23. waw, I wonder if he also liked KFC

  24. Living next to the enemy is risky but kina intelligent too. Is there anyone who doesn't love coke? ... even Osama loved it ^^

  25. big surprise that he's a huge hypocrite. i bet when he went to taco bell he favored the fire sauce.

  26. pretty contradictory, gj binladen...

  27. Not true, it is impossible to love Coke AND Pepsi.
